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发布日期:2020-04-11 发布来源:凯奔教育雅思托福教研组 浏览量:1102





说到代词如果对托福比较了解的童鞋就知道,之前托福是考指代题的,但是这种题型在近几年就销声匿迹了。这个原因是什么了,大家如果做过tpo中指代题就会发现,题量之少,正确率之高。这也解释了ETS为什么放弃这个题型的理由。那就是——太简单啦。但是对于指代的能力要求还是有的,所以放在了插入题中考察。常见的一些表达如this memory或者such drift。看到这样的表达我们需要敏感一点,this、such后面加上的名词在前文一定是提到过的。那这边给大家分享一个例题,看看大家能不能秒选呢?

Because humans had built up this knowledge as hunter-gatherers, it is logical to conclude that over time they would have become extremely efficient.Paragraph 7: How did it come about that farming developed independently in a number of world centers (the Southeast Asian mainland, Southwest Asia, Central America, lowland and highland South America, and equatorial Africa) at more or less the same time? Agriculture developed slowly among populations that had an extensive knowledge of plants and animals. ■ Changing from hunting and gathering to agriculture had no immediate advantages. ■ To start with, it forced the population to abandon the nomad's life and became sedentary, to develop methods of storage and, often, systems of irrigation. ■ While hunter-gatherers always had the option of moving elsewhere when the resources were exhausted, this became more difficult with farming. ■ Furthermore, as the archaeological record shows, the state of health of agriculturalists was worse than that of their contemporary hunter-gatherers.

这是选自Tpo的一道题,大家看到给我们的句子当中有一个this knowledge,所以给我们暗示所放小黑框前面应该是提到knowledge的。再结合段落来看,提到knowledge的只有第一个小黑框前面提及,所以这道题直接秒选A。大家有没有选对呢。


Most plant tissues die if their water content falls too low: the nutrients that feed plants are transmitted by water; water is a raw material in the vital process of photosynthesis; and water regulates the temperature of a plant by its ability to absorb heat and because water vapor lost to the atmosphere through the leaves, it helps to lower plant temperature.


主句 + 条件状语 + 多句子解释 + 原因状语从句 + 主句


tissue  n.  组织

transmit  v.传输

Photosynthesis  n. 光合作用

regulate  v.管制

