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发布日期:2020-07-26 发布来源: 浏览量:1252



首先熟悉下题目的问法,why does the author mention.....? 既然是问你作者说这句话的意图是啥,很明显也是经常很多童鞋犯错的地方就是找一个选项和定位句同义替换。然后问老师这句话意思没有错误啊,和原文一模一样为啥不选它呢。所以我们还是需要回到审题这一步骤。既然是问意图,主要是针对前后句之间的关系。


接下来我们看下Tpo52 stream deposits中的一题,看下你选择哪个选项:Bars, which are elongated mounds of sediment, are transient features that form in the stream channel and on the banks. They commonly form in one year and erode the next. Rivers used for commercial navigation must be recharged frequently because bars shift from year to year.Imagine a winding stream. The water on the outside of the curve moves faster than the water on the inside. The stream erodes its outside bank because the current's inertia drives it into the outside bank. At the same time, the slower water on the inside point of the bend deposits sediment, forming a point bar. A mid-channel bar is a sandy and gravelly deposit that forms in the middle of a stream channel.Why does the author ask the reader to "Imagine a winding stream"?

A. To explain how the presence of bars changes the speed and direction of water flow in a streamB. To explain why bars are more common than alluvial fans or other types of sediment depositsC. To illustrate the particular difficulties that commercial navigation faces on many riversD. To help explain how point bars are formed



前面主要介绍bars是啥,有一个特征就是经常会erode,因此用于商业航行的河流需要经常补给。定位句紧接着说到你可以想象一条弯弯曲曲的小溪。我们乍一看定位句说的对象是winding stream,前面说的都是bars。两者并没有什么关系。

所以我们可以再看看定位句之后。后面主要描述winding stream内外侧水流速度以及最终形成了a point bar。所以通过文章阅读我们可以判别,这个定位句主要是和后文有关,然后再看选项:

A选项也是很多童鞋会错误的选项,speed和direction很多人会对应定位句后面的move faster以及水流从inside bank冲出outside bank。这边大家注意下选项中说的是bar出现到之后speed和direction变化。而定位句对象是winding stream,所以这边大家如果没有看清楚很容易错选。

B选项出现的alluvial fans不是定位句周围内容肯定不会选直接排除

C选项提及的commercial navigation很多人会对应到定位句前面的内容,这边我们看下首先选项的意思不对,其次这道目的题和前面没有必然的逻辑关系所以排除

D选项说到帮助我们解释point bar形成的过程,这边我们可以看出先是提出winding stream然后对其描述,最后形成point bar可以看做一个过程或者因果关系。
