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发布日期:2019-02-19 发布来源:凯奔教育 浏览量:1606




~ 2月23、24日机经在此~


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话题分类:student & economics professor


主题:本组的assignment是我们在购物时可能会遇到的一些非理智小费。比如online shopping 中,为了节省shipping fee而购买一些我们不需要或者本不想要的东西。比如一个网站上,一件T-shirt卖15美元,另需要5美元运费,另一个网站上同样的T-shirt卖10美元,两件包邮。我们的选择可能倾向后者。最后学生也准备在校内做一个问卷调查,通过 email 的形式来询问同学们。

话题分类:student & employee in tutoring center

内容回忆:女生来tutoring center注册一对一课外辅导,她表示这个课程比自己想象的难handle,但是她想辅导的课程并没有合适的tutor。工作人员表示可以一般tutor都是针对于自己比较擅长的学科,有些学科的tutor很少。有两个解决方案,第一是询问其他tutor愿不愿意同时辅导女生,女生表示可以试试。另一个解决方案是,女生可以去help room,那里不需要预约或注册,只要在working hour去就可以,虽然不是 one-to-one tutoring,但是一定能得到相应的帮助。女生表示这个方法非常适合她。


科学家发现了object permanent,即就算没有看见物体也知道它的存在。科学家在小婴儿身上做了实验,发现把之前能看到的物体用毯子盖住然后拿走,婴儿会在没有物体的地方盯更久,这个“盯得更久”能够反映大脑的活动。同时它们做了helper-hinder的实验,圆形往坡上滚,方形帮助,三角形阻碍,婴儿盯着方形更久,说明他们能够分清good 和mean。之后又做了一个实验,用了helper-hinder的木偶,大多数得婴儿要抓住helper 的木偶,证实了前面的观点。婴儿对好坏有一个basic的认识。


科学家一直找寻太空生物的证据,关键液态水的存在。发现有的星球都是rocky desert,所以太冷水都冻住;有的太热,水则蒸发。还有的星球因为重力不足,虽然温度够了有水但是不能留在表面。另外一种情况是自转速度太慢,导致一面长时间无日照而另一面长时间有日照,都不符合生物的迹象。后面又提到red dwarf star 和Kepler XXX。



Conversation 1

一个男生要参加他姐姐的婚礼,但是他们班有个活动,要去很远的地方观察大海龟,而他又得去Boston参加姐姐的婚礼,所以到时候会来不及。他得花很多钱买贵的机票才能赶得及,而他家已经为姐姐婚礼花了很多钱,所以没有cash了。他问老师能不能申请一个学校为学生紧急事情准备的基金。老师说不行,因为那个只有研究生才 可以申请。然后老师告诉他,在Boston的海也可以观察大海龟。学生问为什么Boston那么冷也有海龟?老师说因为turtle耐寒,而且Boston那边的海水比较暖。

Lecture 1

印象画。由于照相技术的出现,绘画在真实性上无法与照相匹敌,于是印象画兴起。印象画主张非完全真实的风格(有题,问为什么画派风格这样)。Japanese painting对印象画派影响很大,因为他们擅长在二维空间制造立体效果。他们的画是非完全真实的,就像两条平行线,为了造成立体效果,是画成在vanishing point上相交。同时,日本画分前景和后景。他们把希望强调的东西放在前景上。举例了一个窗帘画的例子,说由于把窗帘画在前景,因此人们的注意力大部分都会放在窗帘上。然后说了印象画派愿意学习日本画的原因,natural sight,color等。

Lecture 2

讲雨的形成。先回顾上节课的知识,云是由什么组成的。有人说云是由水和小颗粒什么组成的。教授接着问云是怎么停在天上的?学生说因为冷空气下降,热空气上升。有一个学生提问,他说我知道热空气能上升,但是一直不知道为什么。教授举了一个例子,当爆炸的时候,会升起像蘑菇云一样的东西,然后爆炸之后地上的尘土就都卷上天了,这是为什么?就是因为热空气带着这些尘土颗粒上去了,他举这个例子就是为了说明云是怎么stay的。之后有学生问怎么落雨,老师先说了一下引力,地球的重力引力吸引着雨下去。然后讲了两种雨的形成,一个叫做ice crystal,落得时候如果是遇到冷空气,它们就会聚在一起,变成雪,虽然块都比较大,但是数量比较少。如果遇到热空气就会变成雨,因为ice crystal都融化了,变成小水滴,水滴虽然比较小,但是落得比较多,这就是第一种叫ice crystal;第二种叫coalescence,就是雨滴都combine在一起。这种方式就是说雨滴在云里面汇聚,然后变成大块下下来。还说到在赤道附近发生过这种现象,还有冰雹什么的。

Conversation 2


Lecture 3

关于如何统计whale数量的。有两种方法,第一种是比较原始的,在鲸鱼的背上做记号,之后让附近的人来观察它们并汇报给科学家。但是这种方法太不可靠了,因为观察会有很多误差。另外一种,现在科学家们用的方法是给它们照相,因为鲸鱼有黑白条的部分,跟人的指纹差不多,通过照相,观察黑白条来确定它们的身份。教授说虽 然现在这个方法有它的缺点,但是暂时没有更好的方法了,这个方法还会被使用很长一段时间。

Lecture 4

关于土地私有化。开始地多人少,大家随便用,用完abandon即可。后来人多了,unoccupied的地也少人,人们就用篱笆圈起来了。然后学生问如果两个人都说这块 地是自己的怎么办?老师说对,这就是后来为什么会有法律来控制的原因了。然后就扯到了土地私有化,提到哲学家卢梭,他对土地的价值有一个自己的看法,只有被农耕的地才是有价值的,像公园这种不被农耕的是没有价值的。最后有一个重听题,有一个男生问了,如果土地一直被耕地,变得贫瘠了的话,那这个土地怎么还能产生价值呢?教授就说这也是我们现在要解决的问题。


Conversation 1


Lecture 1


Lecture 2

Physics课,讲网络。有提到edge(边),node degree(结点),distribution(度分布)先说computers和social field的net work。然后professor说了,physical研究的net work从整体出发。举了airport的例子。然后说net work的节点,分low和high,也就是hubs两种,举例,实验比较随机去掉节点和特意挑选去掉hub两种的结果,第一种影响很小,第二种影响很大,系统有可能瘫痪。最后Professor举了computer virus的例子,好像是讲有选择性的去掉节点容易控制。

Conversation 2

一个女生本来是在饭店工作的,但是她想要应聘child care之类的工作。Consulter说虽然pay很少,但是可以赢得经验,而且这个和女生的专业对口,对resume有益。Consulter提到说学校有一个child care center之类的,女生表示很惊讶。然后讨论了一下工作的时间,说饭店的工作是在晚上的。但是想去这个center工作只能白天进行,所以女生得改成晚上上课了。Then, consulter又叫她去网上填表,讨论了一下填的内容,好像是填一些关于个人爱好、能力等等,说是有助于帮她选择合适的工作。consulter让她填完之后再来找他。

Lecture 3

生物课讲一种marine animal,一种crab,分三个部分,前,中和尾巴。学生说尾巴像weapon,老师说这种动物没有攻击性,尾巴是用来翻身的。然后一种物质还是病毒endo,能感染病。因为人类有免疫系统,可以renew,但是这个动物就不行了,它会产生一种clot,大概意思就是把有病的部分隔出去吧。可能是这个过程会产生一种什么blood,这种blood在医学上可以应用于治人类的病。最后Professor说不远的将来你们也有可能用这种blood治病。

Lecture 4


口 语 部 分

Task 1

1. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student, what suggestions will you give him for preparation?


2. Which of the qualities that the parents or family members can help you develop?


1) Self-confidence

2) Kindness

3) Patience

3. Your school has received donation from the alumni, which of the following facilities do you think the school should invest?


1) A stadium

2) A theater

3) A game center

4. Some professors prefer to give regular quizzes. Some prefer to give surprising quizzes. Please talk about the advantages and/or disadvantages of surprising quizzes.


5. Talk about one occasion in your country where people give one another gifts. Talk about the occasion and the kind of gifts that you normally give each other.


6. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social media.


7. Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you choose?


1) Energy and environment

2) Health and nutrition

3) Solar system

8. Which of the following programs would you like to participate in?


1) Planting trees

2) Recycling

3) Painting natural and outside areas

9. Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in?


1) Pottery making

2) Writing

3) Art creation

10. If your friend wants to keep a pet, what do you think he should prepare?




Question 1

Which one is more beneficial to a growing child: participation in team sports, conversation with a community leader or traveling to other cities and countries? Use details and examples to explain your answer.


Question 2

Some people believe it’s better to wear formal clothes at work while others think it’s better to wear casual clothes. Which do you prefer?


Question 3

Reading part

【学校通知】:A student suggests that university should offer email addresses and phone numbers of new roommates to freshman.

Reason 1:They can get to know each other in summer;

Reason 2:They can discuss what stuff to bring to the dorm;

Listening part

【学生态度】:The woman agrees with the letter.

1. Students will be less stressful, and more helpful to know someone in advance through communication.

2. A lot of space can be saved. She provides an example that her sister and her roommate both took fridges to dorm. If there was communication in advance, it wouldn’t happen.

【Question】Explain the woman’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

【名词解释】Social responsibility Some businesses overlook social responsibility for the sake of profits and customer needs. However, though social responsibility costs money, it brings more benefits than drawbacks.

【教授举例】The professor gives an example of a coffee shop in his hometown. It first used plastic cups which were bad for the environment, and the owner and employees decided to switch to recycled paper cups although they cost more. Besides, they recommend customers to bring their own cups, and gave them a small discount, the customers like it very much and the coffee shop becomes the most popular café in the town.


Question 5

【学生困难】The man needs to write research papers, but he lives off campus. So he wants to buy a printer.


1. He could buy a used one from his classmate. It’s cheap, but the quality cannot be guaranteed;

2. He could buy a new one. It's expensive, but he can use it for a long time.


Question 6

【讲课要点】The professor talks about two ways wildfire benefits the animals and provides basic things for their survival.

1. Provide them with opening places, which can be the shelters for animals and the young. E.g. woodpeckers, a kind of bird, build their nests in the burned branches of the tree;

2. Renew the old vegetation. Wildfire helps replace the old plants with the new ones by wiping out the old plants. E.g. Deer like eating fresh trees for they are much tender and easy for them to digest, so new plants are better for their survival.


Question 1

If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think should be invited?


a). a businessman; b). a scientist; c). a politician.

Question 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be required to do volunteer work in the community, like cleaning the park or helping elementary school students with their homework.


Question 3

Reading part

【学生建议】The university is planning to move the theater off the campus due to two reasons.

1. The theater now is too small to accommodate the increasing number of audience.

2. Much better facilities can be offered in the new theater.

【学生态度】In the conversation, the student disagrees with the plan.

1. His first reason is that the location of the theater is extremely important for students. Most of them are reluctant to go downtown because it’s so inconvenient.

2. And the student points out that students are already used to deal with the equipment they have now, they’re not trained to cope with fancier facilities, and it may not work out that well as expected in the end. Question: Explain the man’s opinion and why he holds that opinion.

Question 4

Reading part

【名词解释】Sensory memory People can remember something for a brief time after the stimuli is gone, but we won’t able to recall all the details. Listening part

【教授举例】In an experiment, several participants were asked to look at some letters. Then the researchers made the alphabet disappear and the participants were asked to name the letters they saw a while ago. It turned out that the participants were still able to remember the image of the alphabet, but they could only name a few letters, which means that they were not able to recall all the details.


Question 5

【学生困难】The woman’s problem is that she hurt her leg last week and can’t perform in the dance.

【解决方案】The first solution is to rearrange the team position, but other members will be affected and the new arrangement will look weird. The second solution is to find someone to replace her. Beck is a good dancer who just finished her program, but there is little time for her to learn the dance.


Question 6


In the lecture, the professor talks about two adaptations of bony fish to avoid predators. The first one is to sense the movement of water. For example, zebra fish has hair cells that enable it to sense water flow, so it can detect predators when they are approaching, and then escape. The other one is to stay still in flowing water. For example, trout is able to keep breathing while hiding behind seaweed and stay still whenever predators are around.