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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:2987

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。



本期的话题是考“一次从网络上搜寻信息的经历”,确实网络很发达,这个是几乎每天必须要做的事情,那么同学们在考场上碰到这个话题我们该怎么回答呢?来看看Dorra 和 Johnny 的思路吧~

Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet

You should say:

When it happened

What you were looking for

Where you were searching on the Internet

And how you felt about the information





上网 surf

登录 log on

查询 look sth up

在线订机票 book the flight online

改签 change your flight

误机 miss your flight

直飞 direct flight

中转 transit

头等舱/商务舱/经济舱 first-class./ business class/ economy class

靠窗的位置 Window seats

靠过道的位子 Aisle seats

延误 delay

航班取消 cancel

航班号 flight number

登机口 boarding gate

起飞时间,到达时间 departure time/arrival time

倒时差  get over jet lag


系安全带 fasten seat belt

小桌板 tray table

遮光板 window shield

气流 turbulence

毯子 blanket

枕头 pillow

耳机 headsets / headphones

U型枕 travel pillow





大学官网 university official website

提交雅思成绩 submit IELTS scores

学费 tuition fee

个人陈述 personal statement

简历 CV / resume

推荐信 recommendation letter

搜索引擎 search engine


Well, as far as I can remember, the last time I looked for information online was when I prepared for my further studying journey in the UK. I went to the UK to gain my master degree two years ago, so I had to plan everything prior to my upcoming trip so I would not be disoriented when I made my choice and landed the country.

The information I looked for was my postgraduate program choices, tuition fee and safety information. All of that information was of vital importance to prepare for a promising studying experience.

I used Google when searching high and low for all those info, because the results are more reliable and various than other search engines. Also, I found a plethora of information on Topuniversities, a major university-searching website that provides tips and suggestions for international prospective students. Also after I visited my carefully picked universities official websites and checked their tuition fee and provided programs listed online though the direct link posted on the Topuniversities website from every university’s introductive homepage.

As for how I felt about it, it was really convenient for me to find what I need without leaving my house. I could know a lot of things about prestigious worldwide schools while crystalizing ideas in my mind. I was immensely grateful that I could get access to the Internet, which made me feel really confident and well-prepared for my further studies.