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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:4800

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。




Describe a good law in your country

You should say:

• What it is about

• How you know it

• Who would be affected by it

Explained why it is a good law






酒后驾车:drunk driving

警察示意路边停车:pull someone over

法律的实施生效:take effect

酒精呼气测试:breath alcohol test

血液检测:blood test


肇事逃逸:hit and run



零容忍:zero tolerance





计划生育:one child policy

二胎政策:second child policy

生育率低:The low fertility rate

老龄化挑战:the challenge of aging population

增加劳动力:increase the labor force


Okay, good topic. Let me just cut the chase. As we all know, China, just like other countries, has a great number of different kinds of laws. However, the most important two laws in China are the Constitution and the one I’m gonna talk about, which is the Criminal Law of China. I think the Criminal Law of China is made to punish crimes and protect the people. This Law is enacted on the basis of the Constitution and in the light of the concrete experiences and actual circumstances in China’s fight against crimes. The aim of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China is to use criminal punishments to fight against all criminal acts in order to safeguard security of the State, to defend State power of the people’s democratic dictatorship and the socialist system, to protect property owned by the State, owned by the working people and property privately owned by the citizens, to protect citizens’ rights of the person and their democratic and other rights, to maintain public and economic order and to ensure the smooth progress of socialist constitution. As for how I have been informed of it, well, I think I have probably heard of this since I was a primary school student. And I think every Chinese student may have heard of it in their family, in their school (in primary school) because the Criminal Law of China is a very basic law in our society. It’s a very powerful restrict. And personally, the reason I like it very very much is because it is the last safety line of China’s social fabric. It is very important because it can safeguard our society from being attacked by terrorists and those people who have criminal thoughts. That’s why I like it very much.