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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:1736

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。



今天的话题哎,太适合女生了,简直是为Dorra 和Beatrice 量身定制的,心水很久买回来却闲置的东西。

Describe something you have bought but seldom use

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you bought it

• Why you bought it

And explain why you didn't use it



化妆品种类繁多,各种妆前乳/粉底/遮瑕/高光/修容/散粉/腮红/眼影/睫毛膏/睫毛夹…… 经常被各种种草,但是却经常买回来闲置下来,比如口红闲置的太多了,因为真的很难用完一支口红,而且会经常被种草各种新的色号,也总有几个眼影盘的几个颜色你永远都不会用。


化妆品 make-up/ cosmetics

妆前乳 premier (注意发音)

粉底 foundation - liquid foundation 粉底液,pressed powder 粉饼,粉霜cream foundation

遮瑕 concealer

散粉 face powder

修容 contour

高光 highlight

腮红 blush

眼影 eye shadow

睫毛夹 eyelash curler

睫毛膏 mascara

口红 lipstick

种草 Long to do sth/ long for sth

化妆(动作)make up/ put on makeup/ do makeup

涂/抹 apply

淡妆浓妆 heavy /light



现在用来压泡面的kindle, 最初买来看英文原著的,几乎是人手标配。Beatrice说她买kindle是为了看readings, 国外大学的文科学科在每次课堂讨论之前,老师布置给大家的阅读相关论文、书籍的任务。因为一门课的任务都很大,一学期同时上三四门课的话,可能一周内要读一两百页的英文材料,自然很需要kindle这种工具啦。那么kindle很轻便,同时又仿真了纸张,对眼睛很好,但是很惭愧,课上完了就不用了。


快速浏览 go through sth

放在一边 put it aside

心血来潮 Be stung by a sudden thought. /I had a sudden brainwave.

科幻小说 Science-fiction.

诗歌 Poetry

散文 prose essay

名人自传 autobiography

画册 album of paintings

教材和习题册 Textbooks and exercise books.


The thing I want to talk about is my kindle paperwhite as well as my paper version of books. I brought my kindle on Amazon in my postgraduate period, and in terms of my books, I either purchased them online or from bookstores.

I used to going through my reading assignments on kindle. As an art student, I need to finish hundreds of pages of readings each week, so kindle will be a useful and convenient tool. It is light and portable, but more importantly, kindle is light and even creates a special visual effect as if I were reading the real paper version. However, I always felt that I was studying when I used my kindle after I have passed all my finals. Also, since I can search for whatever I like to read on my smart phones and read them at any time and place, I put my kindle aside gradually. Now I often put it on the top of my instant noodles’ cup to make my noodles. What a pity!

Talking about my books, I often brought the original version of popular movies after watching them. To be honest, I was just stung by a sudden thought when I went out the cinema, but I seldom read them. The reason can be always concluded as “changes always run faster than plans.” Even if I plan to start reading within this week, for most of the time, I will be distracted by playing with phones or watching another movie.