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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:1471

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。



春天到了,要动起来啦!今天的雅思口语高频话题就跟你聊聊保持健康的运动哦~由Dorra & Ray两位主播带给大家!

Describe an activity you do to stay healthy

You should say:

• What you do;

• When you started doing it;

• How much time you spend doing it;

And explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.



Ray 的回答肯定是游泳啦,因为他除了是我们的雅思老师,是同传译员,还是国家二级游泳运动员哦,所以游泳已经成为了他每天必备的活动习惯,游泳有各种各样不同的泳姿。游泳的好处也有很多,首先游泳选手的身材都不错,尤其是让大家痴迷的两条线会很明显 -马甲线和人鱼线; 而且游泳可以燃烧热量,可以让Ray肆无忌惮的享受更多的美食。


泳姿 strokes

蛙泳 breaststroke

仰泳 backstroke

蝶泳 butterfly stroke

自由泳 freestyle

马甲线 V lines

腹肌 abs

燃烧热量 burn calories

随意享受美食 feel free to enjoy more food

三分靠健身、七分靠饮食 30% gym, 70% diet



Dorra 最喜欢的运动是做瑜伽,所以经常会去健身房做瑜伽放松自己,瑜伽是一种心灵和肉体的结合,也可以冥想放空自己,让自己全身心放松下来,当然,做瑜伽我觉得对Dorra来说还有另一个好处,那就是助眠啦。不管做什么运动,都可以让你充满活力,会让人变得自信,觉得对自己的生活多了一点点掌控感,更加自律。


去健身房 hit the gym

瑜伽 Yoga

精神和肉体的结合 combines spirit and flesh

冥想 Meditation

动感单车 spinning

拳击 boxing

有氧操课 aerobics

充满活力的 energized

腹肌是在厨房里塑造出来的,在健身房里练出来的 Abs are carved in the kitchen, built in the gym


When describing an activity that I do to stay healthy, I think swimming is definitely my answer for sure. When I was five years old, my dad took me to the pool and taught me some basic skills surviving in the water, and then I had myself fallen in love with this sport forever. I remember I had to overcome some of the obstacles, such as how to strike a balance, breathe while moving ahead, as well as grasping some other strokes. And up to today, if I have the time, I choose to go down into the water after work, and feel the mind rob of the pool and maybe even a sauna afterwards. I love this sport so much. Swimming is such a great sport without much disadvantages. It’s very practical, fat consuming, enjoyable, fun, and most importantly, healthy. When you swim, you can pump enough oxygen and blood into all parts of body, and mobilize every bit of your muscle without injury. So from the long run, your lung volume get increased and your metabolism gets enhanced. From my personal experience, after swimming every day, I can feel I’m more relieved and relaxed. And later when I start to study or work, my efficiency got so much better because I can concentrate myself on those things better. That's why based on the above mentioned advantages of swimming. I think I shall definitely recommend this to every citizens of our modern society of all ages because it can definitely get you better. It doesn't require much just your whole heartedly soul and body.