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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:1552

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。



本期的话题是由新主播Tyler 为我们带来的,这位人生前100天在南京,在新加坡长大,在美国读书的新主播表现怎么样呢?大家一起来听听吧!此次的话题是:描述一次在餐厅或者商店遇到的差劲的服务。在外消费的时候,有时候差劲的服务很影响心情~

Describe a time you received bad service at a restaurant or a shop. You should say:

•what goods or services you bought

•who you were with when you were served

•why you went there

And explain why you think their service was bad.





1. - how are the first few bites?” or “how’s the food?” 好不好吃,食物怎么样?     - so far so good.

2. - Are we ready to order? 准备好点菜了吗?

- 直接点菜:I will have XXX

- 没准备好:Not yet. Just a moment

3.  -What’s in this dish? 菜里面有什么

4.  冰水 ice water

热水 hot water

常温水 room temperature

气泡水/没有气泡的水 Sparkling / still water

自来水tap water

5.  - Say when? = tell me when to stop  倒水(什么时候可以停下来)

- That’s enough/ that’s good.

周到的服务 well-rounded service



这道话题也可以回来shopping购物时不好的服务体验, Dorra 自己不喜欢过度热情,喜欢自己随意看看。购物时服务员摆臭脸可能经常出现在退换货的时候,毕竟是来退钱的嘛,所以不管是购物或者就餐或多或少会遇到一些小状况,这时你可能需要进行投诉。


1. - Are you looking for something? 你在找什么吗?

-  just browsing” or “just looking around. 随便看看而已

2. The back of my shoe is rubbing my heel. 鞋子摩脚

3. It’s not my size, either too big or too small

4. 退货get a refund

5. 冷脸cold face /poker face

6. 投诉 to complain /to make a complaint


I remember that one time me and an old friend of mine went to a shanty old town. We haven’t eaten all day and we were starving like kids in famine; we saw a light quite distinct in the gathering dusk; it was a restaurant, crowded with people. Most of them seemed like locals. We sat down and started off with a drink, I had a shot of Vodka and my friend had a bloody Mary. The moment I had a sip I knew something wasn’t right, it was American Vodka, not Russian. You see, it would’ve been fine if the menu didn’t list it as “Putin’s favorite”. Now, I don’t even want to get into the fact that this restaurant is stereotyping Russian people. But this is just wrong! This is false marketing. This is treason to the Vodka community! There are Vodka fans out there who’d tell the difference.

I called the waiter to bring in the manager. It didn’t take very long for him to tell I wasn’t very happy. I saw fear in his eyes, that man knows what’s up. I didn’t want to ruin somebody else’s day, and plus I’m an alien in this town. So I made things easy for him. I said look: “I don’t want any trouble, so clean the scene up.” He offered to give us a free drink and explained that they had run out of Russian Vodka temporarily so they substituted it for this week, thinking nobody would notice since it wasn’t a popular drink around here.

We accepted the offer and left the town, setting off on our next journey.