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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:4677

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。



这期的话题是跟party有关的,大家可能都参加过形形色色不同的party, 有关party都有什么新的思路和知识点呢?一起跟着Dorra & Beatrice来学习吧。

Describe a party that you joined

You should say:

• When it took place

• Where it was

• Whose party it was

• What you did there

And explain how you felt about the party.


热衷于参加各种聚会的人 Party animal

组织举办聚会 to throw/have/hold a party

乔迁派对 Housewarming party

单身派对 bachelor party/ single party

公司年会 annual dinner

百乐餐 Potluck party





毕业晚会/告别晚会 Graduation party / farewell party

盛装打扮 dress up

穿高跟鞋 wear high-heels

套装 suit

宴会大厅 banquet hall

五星级酒店 five-star hotel

走红毯 walking on red carpet


pub talk

Beatrice 讲到,她在英国的时候经常会参加一种小型聚会叫做pub talk, 大家相聚在酒吧,聊聊各种有关的主题话题,酒吧的氛围会比较轻松一些,比如学习口译学的Beatirce 就很喜欢在pub talk上跟大家谈论不同的口音。


闲谈 random conversation

聚会的焦点人物 life of the party

聚会上扫兴的人 party pooper


The most impressive party I went was in my British classmate’s home. Before I went to Britain, I was under the illusion that throwing a party means the host should prepare a grand dinner and gather a large group of people to dance and sing. However, only when I attended a casual home party did I notice that a typical British home party contains conversations and cocktails.

After submitting our midterm essays, one of my British classmates Mathew threw a home party in his home. Guests were allowed to bring their friends, and we had about 15 people to hang out after dinner time. People brought some snacks to the host’s home, and had a very, very long free talk which ended around 3 am on the next day. We talked about the wet weather, gossiped about our tutors, slightly complained about our heavy assignments and as language students, imitated different accents. Also, we played games which involved language learning and tongue twisters, and even exchanged on political issues.

I think this kind of what I called free-talk parties have a charm of its own. Friends and acquaintances showing up there are not deeply involved in each others' lives. We are companions, not intimates. In other words, we could share thoughts and feelings on whatever we come up with in that kind of parties, which really relaxed me and even helped me to know more about different cultures.