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发布日期:2019-06-12 发布来源: 浏览量:21793

这期话题讲的是5~8月新话题,嗯~~~不太愉快的经历,旅行途中交通工具坏了。主播Dorra & Tyler 跟大家分享各自经历的大大小小的悲惨经历….Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel.

You should say:

Where it happened

When it happened

Who you were with at that time

And what impacts this breakdown had





马路杀手 road killer

变道  merge

爆胎 have a flat tire

爆胎(动词)blow the tire

道路救援 roadside rescue

拖车 tow truck

车子小碰撞 have a little fender bender


Tyler经历的车祸事件不同于Dorra的小刮蹭,Tyler 遇到的就真的是很严重的车祸了,对方超速驾驶导致两车相撞,车子基本报废,坐在副驾上的他本人也伤得不轻,身上全是淤青和伤,脸上也很多血,眼睛也肿了起来,不过不幸中的万幸是救助及时,大家不用担心,他已经完全痊愈了,但是这样的经历实在是触目惊心,希望再也不要发生。


严重的车祸 full-on car accident

车全毁 My car was totaled

副驾 copilot seat

淤青和伤 bruises and scars

流血 bleeding

眼睛肿 swollen eye

超速驾驶 speeding driving


Fireworks, the crowd, and a lonely young man chasing his dreams in a foreign city. I’ve missed two Chinese New Years with my family for being abroad, and even though I had the opportunity of being in China for this year’s Chinese New Year. Thing’s weren’t looking very good for me.

I was running a company back then, and it was about an hour before everything broke down.

My assistant was driving me to a dinner conference, I was on the copilot seat. It was 11pm, the streets were empty, everyone is at home, celebrating. We came across this particularly dimly lit street, right next to the troubling part of town, where all the mafias the drunk driving and prostitutes are. I guess I must’ve hit the jackpot, an SUV T-boned my car out of nowhere at an estimated speed of around 100kilometers/hour, there was no escape, I knew what was going to happen, and I blacked out in an instant. When I regained my consciousness, I was on the asphalt, lying down in shards of glass and blocks of sharp metal. My face was bleeding, I couldn’t feel my legs and my phone wasn’t in my pocket. I called my assistant and checked if he’s still in one piece. Him and a friend of mine came rushing at me. I heard voices and I saw people around me. I closed my eyes, inevitably thinking how all of this could’ve been avoided, or was it all supposed to happen. I spent my Chinese New Year in the hospital, alone, what about you?
