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发布日期:2019-06-21 发布来源: 浏览量:7871


Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person.

You should say:

Who this person is;

How you knew about this person

What this person does

And explain why you would like to meet him or her.


首先,关于名人的说法有很多很多种,比如famous person /public figure/celebrity 等,现在流行的各种网红也可以叫做influencer。



Tyler想见Keanu Reeves

生死时速的主演Keanu Reeves是主播tyler最喜欢的男星之一,这位好莱坞大帅哥,不光人长得帅,而且演技超群,自己在电影中自创了gun-fun。更为重要的是,他生活朴实,不像传统的好莱坞影星那样纸醉金迷,甚至在自己生日的当晚,穿的很随意,像个“流浪汉”一样自己在马路边吹蜡烛,并邀请自己的粉丝一起吃蛋糕,完全不耍大牌,没有一点点架子,另外,他的拍片收入的70%都捐助与慈善事业,这样优质的影星真的没有理由不爱。



讨人厌 obnoxious

典型的好莱坞明星生活 typical Hollywood star life style

摆架子 poser/ show-off

流浪汉 hobo

慈善  charity



Dorra喜欢的可是1941年出生的歌手,那就是美国经典的民谣歌手,创作人,作词人bob Dylan,不光是因为旋律好听,更重要的是他的歌词写的很棒,语言并不华丽,很平实,但是又让人觉得很用心,很感动。因为杰出的词做能力,



诺贝尔文学奖 Nobel prize for literature

旋律 melody

歌词 lyrics

经典永留存 Classics will always be classics

附录Dylan 写给他的女友的情书一份

A letter from Bob Dylan to his girlfriend Suze Rotolo.

Nothing much is happening here I guess.

Bob Shelton is waiting for Jean.

The dogs are waiting to go out.

The thieves are waiting for an old lady.

Little kids are waiting for school.

The cop is waiting to beat up on someone.

Them lousy bums are waiting for money.

Grove Street is waiting for Bedford Street.

The dirty are waiting to be cleaned.

Everybody is waiting for cooler weather.

And I am just waiting for you.


If I were to choose a Hollywood star I would like to meet, it would be no one but Keanu Reeves.  After Starring in the Matrix Trilogy and Speed, his latest franchise John Wick has set the bar for action movies once again in the movie industry by creating something called Gun-fu, which is essentially kung fu but with guns, after his success he didn’t get obnoxious at all, he thinks he’s just having fun shooting those movies with his friend Chad who’s the director of the John Wick series.

You see, Keanu didn’t live the typical Hollywood star life style, he doesn’t have a body guard, he doesn’t wear luxury clothing, You can see him on the metro giving seats to the elderly and living in an ordinary house just like a regular person. On his 47th birthday, he was sitting on the side of the street, eating a cake with a candle on it with regular clothes on, when fans walked by to talk to him he shared some of his cake to his fans. He donated 70% of his revenue from the Matrix trilogy to leukemia hospitals. He also loves designing and riding motorcycles, running his own motorcycle company called Arch. Just recently he surprised everyone at the E3 event playing a charismatic role in the upcoming cinematic video game Cyber Punk 2077. He has a style of his own, he’s a very nice person in real life, and that’s why I would like to meet this person in real life.

