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发布日期:2019-03-25 发布来源:凯奔教育 浏览量:4747




~ 3月30、31日机经在此~


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1.有个男学生去找他的business professor,目的是解释一下为啥他昨天没来上课,但是Professor顺带着(整个对话的主要内容,考了)跟他说了一下他的business plan的问题。学生想设计一个整合校内外住房信息资源的网站,教授最先说,你对于自己网站的运营目标不要太optimistic了,学生说我的user base是全校这么多学生呢!教授说用广告收费来获利不是太现实,尤其作为一个新的网站(考了)。教授说你只在网站上放一些link还不够丰富,你可以放一些personal perspective呀,你还可以和你的同学谈一谈你的想法,这样也有助于改善你的商业计划(最后一题考了)。


3.nitrogen很重要啊,人获取氮要么通过吃植物,要么通过吃动物。但是对于植物来说nitrogen不能直接获取。因为氮不像水一样可以直接分解。氮气一个molecule两个atom之间的联系非常紧密,一般无法分解。植物是通过一种bacteria来制造一种东西分解土壤里的氮,使之可吸收,这种方法就是nitrogen fixation。这里举了一个exception,有一种植物是通过吸收腐烂的insect来吸收氮元素。然后举了一个科学家,发明了一种方法——Haber Process来制造氮元素。这个方法跟植物的方法有点类似,然后发明后使地球上的粮食作物产量提高了10倍。然后教授又说,但是有一个runoff效应,这种化肥通过灌溉系统到海洋里会污染海洋,藻类大量生长,耗尽海洋里的氧气,把鱼都憋死。学生问,那不是会减少海洋里的食物吗?教授说,是的,但是新科技一开始发明的时候谁都不知道啊。

4.三个aquaculture可能带来的环境问题。第一个是饲养的鱼可能影响/驱逐native species,但是举的例子不是aquaculture的一种鱼类,教授说你们可以类比aquaculture。第二个(没有想起来)。第三个是可能给野生natives传染疾病,举例是西加拿大的pink salmon,他们的养殖地在野生鱼的migration route上,然后流经饲养箱的水流会把(这个词没听清楚,发音是leese)带到河流中去,从而影响野生鱼类。但是在最后,教授还是强调说,overall这还是一个解决overfishing的好办法,尽管有这样一些环境问题,尽管我在这个过程中sounds really negative。

5.介绍了Bauhaus的建筑风格。简单,强调function,而不是单纯的decorative,甚至furniture 也不需要。对modern architecture有很严重的影响。然后介绍了现代流派的特点,用最普遍的材料比如plastic,管道的设计能够最大化利用太阳能,通风设备也是最有效化。

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1. If your friend wins an award from his achievement, how would you celebrate for him?

2. What do you think are the common mistakes when parents raise their kid?

3. If a foreign teacher comes to your country to teach high school student, what suggestions will you give him for preparation?

4. If your university is going to invite someone to give a speech, who do you think they should invite? A businessman, a scientist or a politician?

5. Which of the following attributes would you consider the most valuable in your roommates?

1) being friendly

2) being quite

3) has a good hygiene habit

6. Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee?

1) Performance during the interview

2) Previous work experience

3) Education background

7. The university international office is going to hold a social event. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best?

1) international food fair

2) international music festival

3) international film festival

8. Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids?

1) Being selfish

2) Saying impolite things

3) Speaking loudly in public

9. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of being active on social media.

10. Your degree requires you to take one course, which one would you choose?

1) Energy and environment

2) Health and nutrition

3) Solar system



1. The school decided to cancel the long summer vocation. So students have to attend school all year long with some short breaks during holidays. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain the reasons.


From my perspective of view, I would definitely disagree with it. There are a couple of reasons to name. To begin with, studying under enormous pressure for consistent periods will drag the feet of study efficiency. Consecutive studying process will put the students in an environment full of inhibition and it will be more likely for them to feel stressed out. Accordingly, the effectiveness and speed of their study will decrease a lot. Moreover, it can’t be a worse idea to study in hot days. Summer is the hottest season all year around and no one will feel like to study in such harsh condition, nor can they concentrate on their study for a long time because their minds are filled with idea that I want to do nothing but stay at home, the cool place. For the above reasons, I disagree with it

2. Which of the following people can give the most useful help in your future career direction:

1) Teachers

2) Families

3) Friends

Choose one and explain why.


I think parents are the best advisers when choosing our career. Firstly, it is parents who care about us most, and who know us the best, so it is out of question that they would try their best to help us choose right the career path. You know, they want to help us lead a decent life. In addition, we can benefit a lot if we listen to their advice. For example, I work in the bank, which demands a bunch of resources such as social relations and steady financial investment. My parents assist me in choosing this career and they have all the resources I need because they are bankers. In this way, I get promoted much more quickly.

3. Some schools offer first year college students optional courses on how to manage time. Describe the advantages and disadvantages for students to take such courses.


Well, the benefit of such courses is that students can make a better transition from high school to college. They can develop useful skills such as manage their time properly, taking notes in classes and preparing for exams. However, the drag is that optional courses take too much of students’ time. You know, students are overwhelmed with all kinds of assignments like papers, presentations, and even group projects. So, taking optional courses might leave students less time on their major course works and students might lower grade eventually.

4. You and your friends both are going to attend final exam, and your friend who doesn't study hard in the process seeks for your help, what would you do?


I’m sure I would try to help, but it would depend on the kind of help she needed. For example, if she just wants to use my notes, that’d be fine. Or I could help her out if she just had a few questions.

That being said, I’d have to say “no” to her if she wanted me to basically become her private tutor. I’d feel a little bad because she’s my friend, but I would need to focus on my own exams. I wouldn’t have the time to become a teacher and re-teach her all those classes she missed. After all, it’s herself fault for sleeping through class. How hard can it be to set an alarm?

5. Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?


The following suggestions can be useful for someone who has stage fright. First, practice makes perfect. Don’t waste any chance to speak in public. He or she can start with an environment that’s not so intimidatingly, try giving a little talk at a family dinner first. When it’s time, move on to giving a presentation in class. Sooner or later, this person will be able to speaking in front of strangers. Second, be prepared for the speech. This means he or she should take the time write a draft, get the slides in order and rehears at the speech location if possible.

6. Describe what you were like when you started attending school.


I was six when I started attending school. I was curious about everything, eager to learn. It was quite different from kindergarten, courses began and teachers were serious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and I never cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I enjoyed Chinese class mostly, the teacher would encourage us to act out the stories we’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making friends. Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse, it was more of a game for us rather than just words and textbooks.

7. If there is misunderstanding between you and your friend, do you prefer to solve the problem in public places or private places like home?


In my opinion, I prefer to remove the misunderstanding with my friend in a public place such as a quiet coffee bar or a nice restaurant. Because firstly, it will shows my sincerity by inviting my friend to a formal place to resolve the problem. We will communicate with each other and even make an apology to each other sincerely. What’s more, public places usually provide us with a better sense of fairness while dealing with the disagreement than a private place like one’s home. Also, the nicer environment in a public place can help us relax and get rid of the misunderstanding and even prejudice between us.

8. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that celebrities like musician, athletes or performers can set good examples for young people?


I think some famous people can be good examples for young people. For example, my favorite basket player is Allen Iverson. I have a huge admiration for him because he is such a hard-working guy. According to his coach, Allen was so diligent that he was always the first person arrived for training and the last one to leave. He often spent extra two hours practicing after his teammate left for dinner. So it’s definitely his hard work that made him one of the most famous phenomenal players in the league. His spirit motivates me a lot especially when I felt depressed or had difficulty dealing with my tests.

9. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and the kind of gift that's common.


An occasion in my country where people give gifts to each other is the Chinese New Year. What we give to each other varies from family to family. In my family, we give each other red packets that contain lucky money. They symbolize good fortune and prosperity. Another tradition in China is that parents would their kids shopping during Chinese New Year. When I was a kid, my mom and dad took me to the mall every Chinese Year to let me choose whatever cloths or toys I wanted.

10. Which one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?


I think a good school should definitely have strict rules for the following reasons. My first reason is that strict rules can motivate all kinds of students to work harder because most of the times, students, especially teenagers need a little push in life. For example, when I was in high school, all students in my school were required to arrive at school at 7am to memorize English vocabulary. The school forced everyone to make wise use of the time before the first class of the day officially started. I hated it back then. But when I look back now, I realize that I couldn't have possibly gotten such a good grade in English if my school didn't push me. I probably would have spent my morning sleeping in or procrastinating if my school didn't have such a strict rule. Plus, strict rules can teach students about discipline. Sometimes it's not exactly about the rules themselves, it's the concept of obeying the rules when asked to that matters.

