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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:5407

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。






  Describe an interesting old person. 

  Who this person is  

  How you got to know this person 

  What this person is like 

  And explain why you fell this person is interesting

  点击下方音频,一起来听一下Dorra & Ray带给你的口语思路吧~

  对于这个话题我们思路可以发散一些 ,既可以描述身边的爷爷奶奶,也可以描述一个名人,甚至是影视书本作品里一个虚拟的人物都可以哦。





乐观开朗:optimistic , stay positive  

给某人加油打气: cheer sb up  

喜欢跟某人玩: hang out with sb







有幽默感: have a great sense of humor

很沉闷: have no sense of humor

冷笑话:Lame jokes / dry humor



  冷笑话究竟可不可以用 cold joke? 先看下Urban Dictionary里的收录


  cold joke (54 up, 12 down)

  In China, a joke that funny by virtue of being not actually funny at all. The name comes from the fact that when one hears a cold joke, he shivers in terror instead of laughing because the joke is so bad. From Mandarin Chinese, "leng xiao hua."  

  An example of a cold joke: "There was a hide and seek club at my high school. The president still hasn't been found."




  why is 6 afraid of 7?





  爷爷有趣的地方在于虽然年纪大,但是兴趣涉猎广泛, 仍然是一位童心未泯的老顽童


老顽童:kidult (kid+adult合成词)  


早午餐brunch - breakfast+lunch

早午餐brunch - breakfast+lunch

宅着度假Staycation – stay+vocation







  虽然中文中的粉丝来自于音译 fans, 但是“我是一名粉丝”千万不要说 “I am a fans of XXXX”, 因为你只是一个人哦,正确的说法一定要把S去掉,可以说I am a (big)fan of sth/sb.




  Speaking of interesting old person, the first figure that pops into my head comes from an international famous novel series, Harry Porter. His name is Albus Dumbledore. I remember when I was 6 years old, the movie of Harry Porter, Harry Porter and the Philosopher’s Stone, just landed in China. And in that year, in order to celebrate my birthday, my mother bought the first book of the series in the bookstore for me as my birthday gift. So at that time, since that time, I have become a hard core of Harry Porter. Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts. He is the saint, and a caregiver to the leading role, Harry Porter from the very beginning to the end. The reason I find him very interesting is that even though he is the most powerful, capable and the greatest wizard of all time, he never seeks power or reputation in any occasions, or places at all. He could always find joy, peace, fulfillness by teaching and working in Hogwarts. On the other hand, he is a very charismatic human in person. His personal belief is that all people, including wizards and non-wizards, should be treated as equal. And that kind of belief mirrors today’s social values, which is all people, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, and religious belief, should be treated as equal without being discriminated. So long story short, Mr. Dumbledore, with his life experience and witty words, can always motivate and encourage people to smile, and stay optimistic, even in the most heartbreaking occasions. That’s why I find him very interesting, and I admire him forever.