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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:2454

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。





今天的二朵口语下午茶时间,跟大家讨论的就是雅思机经口语part 2高频话题,收到钱作为礼物的经历:

Describe an experience that someone gave you money as gift.

You should say

When it happened

Who it is

How you spend the money

And explain how you feel about it






点击下方音频,一起来听一下Dorra & Ray带给你的口语思路吧~







结婚 tie the knot

红包 gift money/lucky money/ red envelope with lucky money inside

(外卖/购物/打车)红包: coupons/ subsidy

微信红包 online red envelope or wechat lucky money



During the Spring Festival, people say "Happy New Year! " to each other and kids get lots of gift money from their parents and grandparents.




Ray 没有跟大家聊传统的收红包,而是讲了8岁过生日时,妈妈在外出差给了他600大洋过生日的经历,类似于这样个人的收到钱作为礼物的经历大家也可以在考试的时候准备好,畅所欲言哦。


In today’s world, money-receiving mostly only happened in transitional trade between two parties, because the giver might be considered as unthoughtful or careless if he or she gives money to other people as a gift. Regardless of how much money can one make, people still want to receive a gift to feel being loved and cared. However, according to my memory, when I was having my eighth birthday, my mother gave me 600 RMB instead of buying me an actual present to celebrate my birthday. I remember she had to take a business leave in June although she kept apologizing for having to leave at a such short notice, she kind of didn’t have a choice. And because the fact that I did not want her to leave, so I pouted in front of her face ,which was my normal trick with her when I want to get spoiled or want to get something from her. So in the end , she gave me 600 RMB as a conversation. It was the first time in my life that I have had such a great amount of cash in my hand, which is totally beyond my imagination. What was happening on that day was that I splurged a little by buying myself a nice meal from pizza hut and invited the kid who lived next door to me to have a great dinner together. Later on, I went to the shopping mall nearby my house and acted like a sophisticated adult. In the end I found myself a nice pair of Nike sneakers as my own birthday present before I went home happily. What was surprising though was my mom was shocked that I used up all my money just in one day and did not save any for future for references. However, she could not blame me for that because she couldn’t take back and it was already being given. So long story short, I had such a great birthday to myself and even till today, I still could not help myself laughing when I thought about it.