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发布日期:2019-05-23 发布来源: 浏览量:6037

欢迎大家添加二朵个人微信:DorraTian, 互动分享各种生活点滴与英语学习资料。



本期的节目,由Dorra & Ray两位主播带给大家本季度雅思口语part 2 高频话题:【一个有趣的动物】,在回答中既可以说你的宠物,或者其他你喜欢的动物都可以哦

Describe an interesting animal

You should say:

What it looks like

When you saw/knew it for the first

Where it lives

And explain why it is interesting


pig 猪

今年刚好是猪年,所以各位烤鸭们可以在话题中用小猪来展开,甚至还可以提一下最近大火的猪猪卡通形象 - 小猪佩琦, 再可以表述一下猪的特征,憨态可掬的样子,习性等等。


猪年 the year of pig

我属猪 I’m the pig.(千万别说a ,就是说自己是猪啦)

小猪佩琦 peppa pig

很火的事物: it’s a hit

猪鼻子 snout

灵敏的嗅觉 keen sense of smell

打滚 wallow

猪有关的表达: to pig out  形容的就是胡吃海塞啦



有人喜欢猫,有人喜欢狗,猫奴们可以在这个话题里讲一下猫咪的各种日常,甚至是自己和宠物猫的故事(Ray 就有两只猫咪,一只布偶,一只加菲)这里可圈可点的表达方式很多,下面这些提供给大家参考使用哦:


我喜欢猫I am a cat person

养猫 have/ raise/ keep cat

小猫咪 kitten

猫爪 paw

猫须 whisker

猫的叫声 miaow

求关注beg for your attention

无法令人抗拒的眼神 irresistible look

蜷缩着身子打个盹 curl up for a nap

猫奴cat addict


波斯猫 Persian

加菲猫 Garfield

布偶猫 ragdoll

英短 british shorthair

美短 American shorthair


dog 狗狗

狗狗是人类忠诚的好伙伴,忠诚/ 黏人/聪明/可爱/有活力的这些特征都可以在这个回答思路中体现出来,下面这些表达方式提供给大家参考使用哦:


小狗 puppy

狗叫 bark ,woof

忠诚  loyal

聪明  smart / intelligent

可爱 adorable

有活力  energetic



German Shepherd



吉娃娃 Chihuahua

拉布拉多 Labrador


形容某人努力工作 work like a dog

幸运儿lucky dog

雨下得大(小孩子说的多)it’s raining cats and dogs.  - 我们大人还是说It’s pouring 比较好


Speaking of an interesting animal , many pet-lovers may talk about their puppies and their kittens. However, from my memory, I want to talk about a hen belonged to my grandfather. It is backyard back to the countryside of Hubei province, which I have a very deep connection with. To describe its appearance , I have to say that this hen looks quiet average, it has round feather, small red claw and a pair of yellow feet. The only part that made it different from other chicken is that it slightly fatter and bigger. During the winter break in 2008, I got to spend one month with my grandparents in the countryside, and I have to feed the chicken everyday with the rice and corn. But when I was feeding them, all the chicken got scared when people with food approaching them . so I have to leave the food scattered on the ground and have them eat the food while walking away. However, one particular chicken, which is the one I am talking about didn’t do that , that’s what called my attention and interest. And from now on, I shall address “it” as “she” because it was so human . she just stood on the ground where it belonged without getting nervous when I approach. Not even when I tried to get closer. First, I just thought she might be a bit of retarded. Yes, more stupid than the other chickens, but when my grandfather and my dad tried to feed them as well, she ran away just like other chickens did. That’s how I realized I am the special feeder in her mind. During the entire winter break, I put a lot of food in my palm and let her eat from my hand. First, before feeding the other chickens, and I could even pat her on her hand without letting her getting nervous or scared. And more surprisingly to say, I think I was the only one who can vocally order it to stay and stop running whenever someone need to. Unfortunately, my grandfather still make the chicken soup out of her. In the end of the winter break when we had to leave, I was very shocked that she was cooked but it was too late. So what I can do now is always save its bowl for her in my heart. She is such an interesting animal to me.