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以“一个人物类话题”为例,谈谈雅思口语如何根据提示问题扩充内容 ——凯奔教育

发布日期:2020-07-11 发布来源:凯奔教育 浏览量:948




Describe a person who often travels by plane

You should say

Who he or she is

Where he or she goes

Why he or she travels by plane

And how he or her feels about it






education background

working experience


第二个问题和第三个问题可以考虑合并。我们先看第三个问题,问的是这个人经常坐飞机的原因,那我们就可以对这个题目进行简单的分析。问题是Why he or she travels by plane,我们可以把这个问题拆分成两个部分,一个部分是why he/she travels,另外一个部分是why by plane,这样我们在回答的时候就可以从这两个方面入手,比一个单独的角度要更全面,而且能够去说的内容也会更多。

对于why he/she travels这个部分,一般是有两种可能性,第一种是工作原因,另外一种可能性是这个人喜欢旅游,然后在去各个地方旅游的时候经常坐飞机,这边给大家看一下如果是第一种可能性的话,可以怎么去写:He/she has clients all over the world, so he/she needs to go to different cities to have meetings with them. As a result, he/she needs to travel to different places all the time.

在这个部分后面,可以把第二个题目的答案,也就是这个人去哪,整合过来:Sometimes,he/she flies to distant cities in China such as Beijing and Guangzhou. Sometimes he/she even goes abroad to deal business with foreigners.


再看第二个部分,why by plane,这里肯定就是要给出飞机相对于其他交通工具的优势,我们可以这样回答:the biggest advantage of place is its speed of. For example, once he/she went to Guangzhou. If he/she had taken the train, it would have taken him/her more than 10 hours one the way. However, since he/she chose the plane, he/she only spent 2 hours. In this way, he/she saved much time and the saved time can be used to do more meaningful stuff. 这样我们就可以通过对why这个题目的分析,扩充了很多可以添加到回答里面的内容。

再看最后一个问题,问的是感受,如果我们只回答喜欢或者不喜欢,就会显得答案有一点单薄,所以我们可以把感受说得复杂一点,比如一些情况下可能觉得坐飞机还可以,但是遇到延误或者航班取消的时候,就会体验很差,整合一下就是这样:He/she has complicated feelings about it. On one hand, he/she feels comfortable to take plane due to the great service on the plane and the friendly attitude of the air hostesses. However, if she travels by plane too many times in a short time, she may feel exhausted, especially when she is caught in a flight delay/cancel. When that happens, she needs to wait aimlessly at the airport for hours. Sometime, it may even impact her work.

