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PTE考试 SWT中的长难句分析【晰清代词的指代】——凯奔教育

发布日期:2020-07-12 发布来源: 浏览量:770


近期受疫情影响,很多同学都从雅思托福转而备考PTE考试。PTE学术英语考试,全称Pearson Test of English Academic(PTE Academic)。考试由培生教育集团(Pearson Education)开发,是一门基于机考的标准化学术英语考试。PTE着重考察听说读写四大英语技能,全程机考,考试时间为三小时。


口语与写作部分中,涉及写作能力的两项考试为:STW,即Summarize the Written Text, 以及EW,即Essay Writing. EW部分的考试要求和题目形式,除了机考的形式以外,和雅思大作文的要求比较相似,在此不做赘述。




Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our daily discourse, and the repositories of our values, but they have also embedded themselves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer to, and more passionate about them than about their own primary relationships: witness the fervent public to interest in the life of Britain's Princess Diana, or the fans who told television interviewers that her wedding was the happiest day of their lives.

首先,not only…but also的句式中,作者想要强调的重点其实是but also后面的信息。阅读原文时,首先确定but后面的they的指代:指的是前半句话的主语,即celebrities. 接下去,…and more passionate about them than about their own primary relationships. 这里的them指代的也是上半句话中的”celebrities”, 而than about their own中的their,指的则是从句中出现的individuals. 所以这句话强调的是,名人深深根植于我们的意识中,以至于个体关心他们,甚过关心他们自己的社会关系。

接下去,冒号后面的这句话中,or the fans who told television interviewers that her wedding…中的her,往前找可知,指代的是之前出现过的Britain's Princess Diana,而之后的代词their lives,指的就是fervent public的lives. 因此,冒号后的这句话大意为:人们见证了英国戴安娜王妃的狂热粉丝对关心她的生活兴趣十足,有些粉丝还会告诉电视台的采访者,戴安娜王妃的婚礼是他们一生中最快乐的一天。

理清句意后,我们提取其中重要的关键词:celebrities;have embedded themselves in our consciousness; many individuals; more passionate about them than about their own primary relationships. Witness后面其实是一个例子,其作用是支撑第一句话的观点,在概括时可以直接省略。最后连词成句: Celebrities have embedded themselves in our consciousness that many individuals are more passionate about them than about their own primary relationships.

类似地,我们来看一段真题节选:When an individual drives a car, heats a house, or uses an aerosol hair spray, greenhouse gases are produced. In economic terms, this creates a classic negative externality. Most of the cost (in this case, those arising from global warming) are borne by individuals other than the one making the decision about how many miles to drive or how much hair spray to use.

第一句话中有一个时间状语从句,主句是greenhouse gases are produced. 第二句话中的this其实指的就是温室气体被制造出的过程,下句中的most of the cost,指的也是the cost of producing greenhouse gases. 后一句中,A other than B的结构,意思是“是A而不是B”,因此other than之后的成分为次要信息,可以省略。理清代词的指代后,这一段的重要信息为:greenhouse gases; a negative externality;most of the cost are borne by individuals.

连词成句:Producing greenhouse gases creates a negative externality, among which most of the cost are borne by individuals.希望同学们在面对长难句时,不畏难,不慌张,仔细分析句中的代词指代,抓住句子主干结构,理出重要信息。

